Server Commands



The CFUK2020 is an exclusive plugin for, it provides a number of unique features


/announce - Event organisers can use this command to announce a message to all other players on the server. The use of this command is restricted to event organisers only.

/countdown - Event organisers can use this command to start a 5 second countdown that is broadcasted to all members on the server. The use of this command is restricted to event organisers only.

/hardmode - Players can vote for hard mode to be enabled by typing /hardmode, if enough players currently online wish hard difficulty to be enabled the game mode will be switched from Normal to Hard.

/profile [player] - View the in-game profile of player, view their play time and their footprint on the server. If you do not specify a player you will view your own profile



Essentials is a very common plugin across many servers that provide many familar commands


/home - Teleport to a private warp (typically your home) that it set using /sethome

/kit [kitname] - Obtain many of the building block item kits that the server provide

/msg [player] [message] - Privately message a player

/r [message] - Reply to a private message

/sethome - Set your private home warp that only you have access to

/setwarp [warpname] - Set a public warp that anyone can teleport to.

/spawn - Teleport back to the spawnpoint of the overworld

/warp [warpname] - Teleport to a public warp



For many years the server utilised Lockette as it's chest protection plugin, after Lockettes development was abandoned the server switched to utilising LWC. Chests placed are automatically locked by LWC unless toggled not too.


/lock - Type this command and punch a chest to lock it once

/unlock - Type this command and punch a chest to unlock it once