i have found out that in the music biz, clocks are laggy and create beats that are out of rythm. isn't it better to drop the clock? also, with a clock you only get an odd numer of notes in a beat rather than the 8 beat that is basic for music. i
13 years ago
Wed Jan 19 2011, 11:38PM
not really, with that rig i hop between 3/8 (triplet) feel to 4/4 feel. the NOR Latch and the opposing clock add the possibility for a change of time signature
EDIT: To note, the NOR latch goes and pushes one of it's outputs all the way to the main clock that eventually feeds the notebox(es). The main clock being way in the back denoted by the lapis blocks wired together. So when the two clocks aren't synchronized (almost always) the main clock system is delayed causing a _.._..3-bar rest beat with _ being sound and . being a felt rest.