DW20 Server down - 13/04 (4:40am)
looking now at an upgrade
I think i just crashed the server while looking for jarred fireflies >.<
IT seems the server just crashed.
9 years ago
Wed Apr 15 2015, 06:36PM
Server coming back up now.
java.lang.NullPointerException: Exception while updating neighbours
at cofh.thermalexpansion.block.device.TileActivator.onRedstoneUpdate(TileActivator.java:148)
at cofh.thermalexpansion.block.TileRSControl.onNeighborBlockChange(TileRSControl.java:37)
at cofh.core.block.BlockCoFHBase.func_149695_a(BlockCoFHBase.java:180)
server restarted to try improve performance.
servers currently running OK
ftb just died, likely a mystcraft problem but may be ok with a restart. As draze and I were getting killed by our respective ages at the time could our player files be deleted when you have a min ? that way we can avoid the crash risk of reopening them
Server looks to be running fine
DW20 Server down as of 04:58GMT - Reason in the "server down discussion thread"
DW20 server down at 1:08am, no idea why.
Currently carrying out global work.
Things may break
Direwolf server going offline next for work
just went to login and server appears as down for me. 11:29
Someone just crashed the server ^.^;
big error seems to have happened on the server, all player are unlinked and unable to relink (not down but still makes it unplayable)
Not down, but really really slow right now.
Alot of Server lag on the FTb, tick lag also. making it impossible to do anything at all.