Nether to be reset

 BRooNiE    26 Jan : 22:32
 None    Server

Hello all,

Hello all,

Nether will be reset this Sunday on Survival.

Expect new depths of hell to explore! (Hurrah!)

~ Broonie

Hungry Games Winner is... Droid225!

 BRooNiE    18 Jan : 17:10
 None    Server

Congratulations to Droid225, who is our winner of the Hungry Games!

Congratulations to Droid225, who is our winner of the Hungry Games!

Thanks to all that took part:


Hunger Games is GO!

 BRooNiE    04 Jan : 17:04
 None    Server

Hunger Games is now live on the Hunger Games server - best of luck to all players!

Hunger Games is now live on the Hunger Games server - best of luck to all players!

Hunger Games launches today at 5pm!

 BRooNiE    04 Jan : 11:10
 None    Server

Hello all,

Hello all,

We'll be launching the hungry games server today at 5pm.

We hope to see you there!


Hunger Games server is launching

 e107    04 Jan : 00:56
 None    Server

Hi Guy's n Girls,

Hi Guy's n Girls,

I'm pleased to let you know that the Hunger Games server has now been tested and will be available to play in the next day or two.

Before you play, there are a few things you should know first:

- The map is only a 300 block radius, so there is no escape from other players!

- If you die, you are out of the game ... permanently!

- If you are involved in any fighting, be it against Mobs or players - even if you are the one being attacked - DON'T QUIT THE GAME ... you will be banned from playing again. This is to stop people quitting when being attacked to avoid being "killed".

- Scores of player kills will updated to the CF:UK website on a manual basis, so don't expect your latest kill to show up straight away.

- The server is set to Hardcore Mode, so expect dangerous Mob's on top of players (watch out for the Sheep - they can give you a nasty bite!)

- The server will run for 2 weeks, the winning player will be judged on player kills.

- Most of all, have fun while you try to survive all the mobs and other players.

A further news post will be made once the server goes live - so keep your eye's peeled on the forums!

Crazy Fools Server Changes - Teamspeak, and new taster server: FTB Resurrection

 BRooNiE    03 Jan : 21:45
 None    Server

Hi all,

Hi all,

Teamspeak is back! You can access this on it's default port, 9987, on

Soul_UK and I have been giving it a quick whirl and seems to be working OK!

We've also launched a new taster server tonight: FTB Resurrection, you can get details of the server on the Servers panel to the left of this news post.

I'm going to repeat what the FTB team state - please don't expect your builds to stay, as the mods may be removed/added which may cause the need for a world regeneration.

I've also created a forum for you to discuss any ideas, guides, issues, or bugs here:

We're also going to try getting Direwolf up and running shortly, so expect a further update on that soon.


Survival Clean Server Closed - Map to be Merged

 BRooNiE    03 Jan : 19:25
 None    Server

Hello all,

Hello all,

The survival clean server has now closed.

The map will be merged into the main survival server on it's next quiet period.

~ Broonie

Server Border Extended

 BRooNiE    03 Jan : 15:15
 None    Server

The current main map on the server has had it's border extended from 1k to 2k

The current main map on the server has had it's border extended from 1k to 2k

That should allow access to locked out areas, and a little extra for exploration!


~ Broonie

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