Building Competition.

 BRooNiE    12 May : 15:08
 None    Annoucement

Hello, Hotmage100 here.

Hello, Hotmage100 here. Currently, I am hosting a building competition. Competitors have one week of time to build their best houses starting from the day that the PM is sent out for all competitors about the place of the competition.

Rules :
1. Competitors can ONLY use the resources provided.
- That means no kitting things and bringing in your own stuff.
2. DO NOT steal other competitors' stuffs.
3. Basements are not allowed that means you shouldn't have cobble / stone included in your builds.
4. Competitors are needed to clear all their inventory before entering the competition.

Any competitors that doesn't follow the rules above are disqualified.

Resources Provided :
2 Axes.
1 Bucket.
1 Flint and Steel.
2 Furnace for decoration.
A stack of 64 glass.
A stack of 64 leaves.
A stack of 64 white wool.
Two stack of 64 Glowstone.
Some Food ( 8 Melon slices, 2 Bread )
9x9x4 Solid of Log ( 324 block of log )
A Reed Farm.

The houses are judged on 3 aspects
- Creativity.
- Originality.
- The texture of the houses.

Prizes :
Winner : 5 Diamond ores & 400 Golds
Runners up : 3 Diamond ores & 250 Golds
2nd Runners up : 2 Diamonds & 150 Golds

The site's warp will be send to competitors when all the slot are full.
[ I (Hotmage100) will pay for a ONE WAY teleport for any defaults competitors]
The site are closed for public viewing until the competition finish.

For more information and if you are interested, please click
Thanks for your time.

[Submitted by Hotmage100]

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