Main Server Now Runs Lockette

 BRooNiE    17 Feb : 21:23
 None    Server

"The purpose of this plugin is to restrict access to the contents of chests, dispensers, and furnaces, without the use of a database to track containers.

"The purpose of this plugin is to restrict access to the contents of chests, dispensers, and furnaces, without the use of a database to track containers.

To use, simply place a signpost on the floor directly beside a chest or other container to be locked. Enter [Private] as the first line. Your own name will automatically be entered on line 2 as the chest owner. Optionally type in the full names of two other users allowed to access the chest's inventory on lines 3 and 4. Additionally, you can enter [Everyone] on lines 3 or 4 instead of a user name, to allow everyone access to the contents of a private container."

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