Podcast #13 - You're Probably the Arse

 BRooNiE    10 Jun : 18:13
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We’re back (despite iTunes related technical issues) to bring you another does of Minecrafty goodness. There’s a new snapshot, an update to MCX360, and not much else. So we talk about Minecraft etiquette, and what constitutes “being an arse”.

The usual crowd are here, with Beagrie, Qotsa, Shadoxkiller and Sekoj all making an appearance, as well as a surprise appearance from eatturnip and, arguably more impressive, Broonie himself!

Linky Links
- Snapshot 12w23b is Out
- MCX360 Gets Updated (Fixes Everything)

We may have to delete the podcast feed and start again in order to fix the iTunes problems we're having. This only affects people who get the podcast through a podcatcher (iTunes, Zune, Pocketcasts, etc) not people who get it here. But more on that if it happens. In the meantime, feel free to rate and review the bejeezus out of us.

Shadoxkiller's Twitter
Dirtyoldman Rob's Twitter
sekoj's Twitter
Qotsa_101's Twitter
eatturnip's Twitter
Broonie's Twitter
Beagrie's Everything

[Submitted by beagrie]

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