Well after a long absense of a official news post on the website, I think its about time we had one.
Well after a long absense of a official news post on the website, I think its about time we had one.
As always, I'd like to thank the following users for their donations to the server:
timbolandThank you! Its your donations which help keep the server going!In Minecraft related news, your no doubt aware that Minecraft is now in Beta, whilst it hasn't brought any game-play related features, its helped secure duping and hacking of inventories. Woo!
As well as this has been positive in the Minecraft area, modding tools and their plugins have had to take a couple of steps back - especially in the chest protection / honeytrap area on the CFUK plugin, aswell as other popular moderator tools. We are working to get this fixed as quickly as possible.
In other 'broken-things' news, the cartograph is slightly out-of-date. Something has appeared to have gone wrong in the updating part which I'm looking into and going to fix as soon as possible. This should let the newest structures appear again.
On the topic of chest protection - its coming. Whilst I could do a cheap fix (capsulation methods around a chest is popular on some servers) I'd rather do something which works basicly at a click of a button. I do have an idea which I have to run a few tests first. The clue is here is that it's NOT chest protection, but rather something else that WILL protect your belongings. (And because of its nature, will have to limit to donators.) The fun fact here, nobody but myself knows what it is! However, if the tests appear to be successful, it could WORK and may add a new element to the server.
Honeypot Chest traps will also be back soon due to their effectiveness, unforutantly the move over to serverside inventory has messed a few things up, and when I have a chunk of spare time I'll look into recoding them. On the subject of time, I do have my Cisco exam coming up, so I may/may not be as active in delivering updates to the plugin and/or appearing on the server.
I'd like to also take this oppurtunity to deliver a message to those who are setting up their server. I have no problem with you going away from CF | UK and setting up your own community. Yes its fun, and enjoyable as well as being stressful. However I must stress I
cannot help you set up your server and will not be able to answer questions. Its not I have anything against you, I just simply don't have the time. So to save yourself time, go to the official minecraft forums, which have plenty of guides in setting up your own server.
I've also had a small number of users interested in making their own plugins too, whilst again, I can't help you write a whole plugin, theres a community for that too, and theirs also a useful guide to making your own plugins right here -->
http://forum.hey0.net/showthread.php?tid=317 Again, I can't give you any help on the subject, but the forums I've pointed you to are usually good at giving help on making own plugins. And hey, perhaps if their good enough and useful to the server, I might even implement them

In news for donators, we might be switching a couple of things around in the future, some of you might be getting annoyed at the fact the servers full alot of the time, and whilst yes I thank you for your time, I'll see if I can add a couple of slots for donators+ only. Other changes will be coming to donators rights aswell soon, so watch out!
In recent poll news too, it seemed a close battle between whether the community wanted player slots, or mobs. Whilst the servers at 20 player slots and mobs on (expect one natural, can you guess?) I would like to extend the player slots a little higher, and hopefully this will be possible once I get a little more steady income coming in AKA a new job. The current poll online (Build vs Survival) seems the majority want a survial based server (with second being a bit of both) if the trend continues, I'll take up discussions with helpers and mods of how we can swing towards that perfect type of server for which the majority of you would be happy to play in.
In unrelated news, we've hit the 1,000 member milestone! (1,150 just now) and still growing! I'd like to thank every one of you for registering, and playing on our server if you have, and hope you enjoy your stay!
Submitted by BRooNiE]