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Re: Oh well!... (Server Discussion) Posted on 04 Mar : 07:50
Here's something nice for a few of you: I've uploaded those maps I mentioned to a file service now!


You'll need to rename the folders when adding them since they both have the same name. Also, if the map conversion process stalls, just keep restarting Minecraft until it converts fully.

Re: Survival Server Suggestions/Discussion (Server Discussion) Posted on 29 Jan : 19:56
Hmm, I'm not sure...are you talking about full-fledged Spawn Cities? I'm a bit doubtful it'd be worth the effort when we inevitably shift the Spawn around to refresh things anyways.

A nice, developed starter city to catch people's interest and give a nice impression as well as spark creativity is a good thing, especially on smaller servers. Spreading ourselves too thin would make that tricky, IMO.

I'm not misunderstanding anything am I? If I am, feel free to elaborate.

Anyways, that's my 2 cents.
Re: SERVER IS DOWN (and the forums are a mess) (Server Discussion) Posted on 14 Jan : 22:05
I haven't heard of Broonie ever speak of handing CFUK off to somebody else--always got the impression that the server was a more of a personal project. I could be wrong about that though.

I'm always around, but I'm not technical-minded enough for this kind of administrative stuff.

The server is still being updated, though not always at the exact latest version, and at least one person has been cleaning up the spam threads, so we have that much. Care to chime in with some thoughts, Broon?
Re: Oh well!... (Server Discussion) Posted on 09 Sept : 11:28

After recently giving one of them a play, it popped into mind that the maps weren't up for download anymore and I had considered uploading them to some hosting site(somewhat hefty though: 8GB total between 2 files.)

Were only the main server maps of 2011 uploaded, by the way? Can't remember. I have no idea if somebody else has these(or any extra) maps or if Broonie's still hanging onto any.
Re: Anyone out there? (Off Topic Discussion) Posted on 17 Jun : 23:09
Haven't used the modded server in a long time, although once in a while i'll pop into Vanilla; I'm guessing the server is recently updated? Might have to hop in again soon.
Re: SampleName stopping by to say hello! (Off Topic Discussion) Posted on 01 Dec : 13:20
What's up, Samp, long time.

Too bad nobody was online, I've been on the vanilla server occasionally though; see you soon maybe?
Re: DW20 bug reporting (Do not post exploits or Dupe bugs) (Server Discussion) Posted on 30 May : 09:02

haven't seen a wither skeleton in a while now....


Unfortunately, I did happen upon a horde of them a day or two ago.
Re: DW20 server (Server Discussion) Posted on 13 Apr : 12:16
After some reasearch and server testing, it seems we need to set the level-type to BIOMESOP in the file to generate all of the new biomes; the next update would be a convenient time to do this.
Re: Land availability (Server Discussion) Posted on 31 Dec : 15:32
Yeah, I'm building on the spike and the snowy mountain right near the bay. anything else is up for grabs.
Re: Land availability (Server Discussion) Posted on 29 Dec : 14:06
From what I remember, that's a temple dedicated to somebody's Creeper God or something. Dunno who built it, but I imagine they wouldn't mind having him overlook a nice little town...

If you want to get back, use the command /warp oldspawn.

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