DW20 server just went down, not sure what happened as i was semi afk at the time.
gotorm broke the server again.
coming back up
all servers seem to be down?
Survival/Direwolf rebooted.
Direwolf a buggy mess...
Vanilla server down as of 7:32pm US GMT-6
Giving a connection refused and timeout error
I am in vanilla now, but there is an almost unplayable amount of lag.
DW20 down, got very laggy while poots and I were online, I was only travelling a little in already loaded chunks, I have no machines or anything yet, not sure about poots
DW causing issues again, sigh.
all servers going offline for some tests
its 1pm gmt and I cant connect to the DW20 server......boo
server restarted, oinkpiggles i've cleared your player profile
Sadly mystcraft causes same issues on 1.1.1
Could you reset my profile like list time please?
Apologies for the downtime caused.
Server restarted, profile cleared